Contact Info

Got a Question? We’d love to help!

***Please keep in mind when submitting an inquiry, does not host any events and is not affiliated with any non-profit organizations or bars/restaurants who do host events. We only post the times of the events.***

Email –

Call Brandon – (763) 218-7444

or fill out the form below:


Are you willing to host a Bar Bingo event for us?

These events are run by local charitable organizations that have a charitable gambling license within the state of Minnesota. does not host any events and is not affiliated with any bars, restaurants or charitable organizations. We recommend finding locations that host near you and reach out to the charitable organizations that run those bingo events.

How do I get our events posted to your site or get info changed on your site?

1) If your event is not yet listed on our site, please complete the submission form within our site. You can be directed there by clicking SUBMIT EVENT.

2) If your event is already posted and you’re looking to update some posted information please email us directly at or fill out the form above and let us know what needs to be changed and for which location.